Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions is focused on supporting, encouraging, and equipping ordinary people to be active participants in fulfilling Jesus' call to love others and "make disciples of all nations.” We fulfill this calling by reaching out to our community, collaborating with missionary partnerships and committing a portion of our giving to support missions so that all might see, hear and experience God's love in tangible ways.
Meet some of our Missionaries.
Sylvia Adolfsen
She is partnered with Global Outreach Mission/Missiongo in Belize, Central America. She works with the local Mayan & Ketchi people and spreads the Gospel to them.
Segun & Dupe Aiyegbusi
Segun is mentoring pastors in Jos which is the capital city of Plateau state and is located around the middle of Nigeria, West Africa. Spiritually speaking, the city is a battleground ministry site where the predominantly Muslim north meets the nominal Christian south.
Steve & Gwen Anderson
They are partnering with missionaries in Ecuador to minister to an unreached people group there called the Awa people and to help build a growing church plant in the town of Palmira.
Mottel & Debrorah Baleston
He is the Director of the Messengers Messianic Jewish Outreach of New Jersey, a ministry of Missions Door. Messengers carries on a work of sharing Messiah Jesus within the Jewish community and leading people to faith.
Dr. George & Susan Cherian
George is the leader of Missions India which reaches reaches out with the gospel in 16 states of India. For more than 30 years, the Lord has greatly blessed the ministry resulting in formation of 300 congregations all over India.
Dan & Julie Kim
They are serving at the Koutiala Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Mali, West Africa for the past nine years by being involved in medical care, hospital administration, are leading a large hospital expansion project, and are training the next generation of healthcare professionals as well as disciple-making followers of Jesus.
Alan Lawton
He works with universities, churches, mission events and others to find technical, creative and administratively gifted people who want to serve God with TWR (Trans World Radio) and reach our lost world for Christ.
Travis & Becky Lesicka
They are in Papua New Guinea where Travis is a pilot serving church planters and Bible translators. Many of the tribes are only reachable by air.
Mark & Katie Manning
They partner with ReachGlobal Crisis Response ministry overview in Lake Charles Louisiana. They work with local churches to make disciples and share the love of Christ with those in the aftermath of a crisis.
Patrick & Shalyn O'Connor
Their ministry overview is to make disciples around the world, but they specialize in training them to make the their own disciples who make disciples for new churches.
Noah & Vicki Smith
They are providing Scripture access to the Solomon Islands. The Solomon Islands have over 65 languages most of which do not have a Scripture translation yet.
Craig & Alessandra Weyandt
They are part of EFCA ReachGlobal in Brazil. They partner with a number of churches and Christian organizations to guide disciple-makers.
410 wants to help the community lift THEMSELVES from poverty, restoring dignity, purpose, and freedom to their lives. Grace has a partnership with 410 with community development in Rancho Viejo, Guatemala.
And Many More Missionaries!
If you want to learn more about our other missionaries or connect with them, fill out the contact section below.
Our mission's team would love to get you connected!
Also, please pray for all our missionaries!
Our mission's team would love to get you connected!
Also, please pray for all our missionaries!