This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
John 15:2
We want to be a church that if we were to close our doors the community would weep.
Therefore, we follow the commandment of loving our neighbor by loving our community.
Below are just some of the ways we love on our local community.
We encourage you to check out this page or reach out to us in order to get involved.
Therefore, we follow the commandment of loving our neighbor by loving our community.
Below are just some of the ways we love on our local community.
We encourage you to check out this page or reach out to us in order to get involved.
Food Pantry
At our RANDOLPH CAMPUS we have a Food Pantry that is open to the community to use. It is fully stocked with food, and if you or someone you know is in need, reach out to us or come during the food pantry hours:
Wednesdays 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
If you would like to help us keep our Food Pantry Stocked, click the "Fill the Pantry" button below.
Wednesdays 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
If you would like to help us keep our Food Pantry Stocked, click the "Fill the Pantry" button below.

English Classes (ESL)
We have ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes. These classes are designed to help develop your English speaking skills. If you are interested in joining the class or want more information, click on the button below.
Classes are September - May.
Classes are September - May.

Venture Church Network
Venture Church Network is an association of churches united by the biblical mission of making disciples. They give resources to pastors, congregations, and help start churches in the Mid-Atlantic States and beyond.
City Relief
Relief Bus
Each month, we partner with City Relief to go on trips. City Relief has continued to serve our friends in the community. The trips are open to healthy individuals of the age of 18 or older. If you want to know more about the City Relief, check out the button below, or if you want to join us on one of our Grace Church sponsored trips, click the button below to contact us.
First Choice Women's Resource Centers
Serving women in unplanned pregnancies since 1985. Their mission can be summed up in three words: prevention, intervention, and restoration. The center does everything from abstinence presentation in public schools to counseling a woman who is pregnant and considering abortion and needs to know Jesus’ healing in their lives. By God’s grace they now have 5 centers across New Jersey. Check out the button below for more information about this wonderful organization.

Blood drives
At least four times a year, we partner with Vitalant to host a blood drive.
You can click the button below to earn more about Vitalant or to donate at other times during the year.
You can click the button below to earn more about Vitalant or to donate at other times during the year.